Digital Strategy

Design Direction

RHEL8 launch campaign microsite

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8's microsite was the core destination for a robust, multi-channel promotional mix supporting an awareness campaign for a major release of Red Hat's flagship OS product. The site was developed in coordination with videos, webinars, social media, paid ads, event activations and more.

A simple, distration-free landing page showcased the big moment of this release and featured Red Hat's continued innovation and investment in RHEL.

RHEL8 launch campaign microsite

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8's microsite was the core destination for a robust, multi-channel promotional mix supporting an awareness campaign for a major release of Red Hat's flagship OS product. The site was developed in coordination with videos, webinars, social media, paid ads, event activations and more. A simple, distration-free landing page showcased the big moment of this release and featured Red Hat's continued innovation and investment in RHEL.


Digital Strategy
Design Direction